365-105* 100 steps


It is actually 100 steps from my door up into my garden. This is no where near as interesting and wonderful as last year when my 100 steps were taken in Gulf Shores. I would so love to be back there as I woke up to a dreary, rainy, 39 degree morning.

 Anyway, I have things planted like onions, broccoli and cabbage. My asparagus is in its second year so next year we will get to eat it! Also behind the asparagus my strawberries are in full bloom! The trailer in the background hold cinder blocks that I will be using to extend my garden this year. I forgot to take up (sky) and down (ground) shots but it wasn't a pretty day anyway. I love my garden and can't wait for it to warm up enough to get in the tomatoes!

365-105 by parrettfive, on Pix-O-Sphere


Kristal April 16, 2011 at 10:30 AM  

I hear you about dreary days....

Nice garden. I want one so bad... someday

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